Pet emergency interrupted by tow... Almost (rant)

Kinja'd!!! "cazzyodo" (cazzyodo)
08/04/2016 at 15:22 • Filed to: Rant

Kinja'd!!!3 Kinja'd!!! 15

Update: We’re waiting on a couple test results but early indications are that she is working through whatever the irritation was and that there is no blockage or suggestion of an upper GI issue. Bland diet and some fluids under the skin for now.


I’m also contesting that ticket on the basis the guy was an asshole.

I’m sitting at an emergency clinic right now because Keeva (pictured waiting) pooped the equivalent of black tar this morning and last night. Research says this is bad so I went to work until our vet opened, called and they said to go to an ER. Leave work, park car at bottom of street behind other cars, run to get dog, come out to tow truck getting ready to jack my car up.

“Dude dude dude.” I yelled as I tried to get the guys attention, half dragging a chihuahua behind me.

“Dude dude” the driver mocked.

I was in no mood for this. “Just leave it...I have to run. literally was 5 minutes here.”

“I saw you park here and got the lady to write a ticket so I could tow you. I watched. Didnt you see us writing tickets?”

“No? Nobody was here.”

“It’s street cleaning. Here’s the ticket.” He walks to my window to show.

“I don’t give a fuck. I need to go to the vet er.”

“I don’t care. Not dropping it.”

“Fuck you. You’re not taking my fucking car. I have a dog that needs to go to the fucking vet.”

“You shouldn’t have parked here.”

“She’s shitting blood. Fuckin drop the car.”

“Just move it.”

“What the fuck do you think I’m trying to do?!?!”

This was an abbreviated transcript but gets the gist. I scared the guy to the point he wouldn’t look at me. He drops the car then proceeds to try and move out of the way of traffic he blocked by driving the wrong way on a one way to get my car. I get Keeva in the car to go, walk over to his truck to apologize for my outburst cuz...well...stress.

I drive off, he jacks up another car.

Listen, I don’t blame him for rushing and such cuz nobody moved their car today. Its a shit show. But he targeted me in particular so I did the same.

And he didn’t get my car out of gear. I saved my transmission. Thank God for that.


Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > cazzyodo
08/04/2016 at 13:40


My dog had horrible bowel something for over a week and it was really scary. Ultimately we had to give her some meds, which was a relief because we thought she needed emergency surgery. I also have a cat that requires very expensive specialty food or else he had painful diarrhea. I sure can pick em.

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo
08/04/2016 at 13:54


Her vitals are good and she isn’t showing discomfort thankfully. Gonna have blood work and stool analysis.

Honestly, idc what it takes because she had an unknown life until we got her and I want to make sure she’s treated right. My gf has anxiety and anemia...this dog has anxiety and may be anemic. And we have a 3 legged cat. Sounds like we’re in similar boats haha

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > cazzyodo
08/04/2016 at 14:29


That sucks. Hope the pup is ok. Ours has horrible runny poo right now. Was going to to take her to the vet this morning, but it seems to have stopped, for now. She was going about every 30 to 45 minutes all night long, but we’ve gone over four hours now, so fingers are crossed. Good luck. I truly hope it’s nothing serious and the pup is happy and healthy with a quickness.

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > sonicgabe
08/04/2016 at 15:22


Hope everything is alright with yours. My little girl should be OK. Initial results don’t indicate a larger issue of internal bleeding. She seems to be working through it on her own.

Kinja'd!!! RallyWrench > cazzyodo
08/04/2016 at 15:26


“I saw you park here and got the lady to write a ticket so I could tow you.”

That’s a little fucked up.

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > cazzyodo
08/04/2016 at 15:41


Mine just went 5 hours between gross poo. That's the longest gap in the last 24 hours. Glad to hear yours is doing better.

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > RallyWrench
08/04/2016 at 16:30


That’s what set me off. I’m typically non confrontational cuz I know he’s doing his job (I apologized before leaving) but I took that as a personal attack so reciprocated. At my apology, guy wouldn’t look at me.

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > sonicgabe
08/04/2016 at 16:31


Let me know. My life (job and home) is basically pets so I honestly hope for the best

Kinja'd!!! RallyWrench > cazzyodo
08/04/2016 at 16:43


He used a predatory tactic, fuck him.

Kinja'd!!! Luke's Dad Sold His 2000TL To Get a Sienna > cazzyodo
08/04/2016 at 17:10


I’m also contesting that ticket on the basis the guy was an asshole.

Me as a Judge:


I hope the doggo gets better!

Kinja'd!!! AfromanGTO > cazzyodo
08/04/2016 at 17:34


Fuck tow truck drivers!

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > cazzyodo
08/05/2016 at 06:40


How is your’s doing?

I think our girl has gotten through it. She’s gone several 6 hour stretches without having an emergency, and the “product” is looking more normal. She even ate some rice and chicken stock without issue (it was an issue the night before!). I even got some sleep, though she recently woke me up, so I’m due for a few more hours.

But now it seems I’ve got a cat with a UTI. What the hell? The universe really wants me to go to the vet this week.

Hope all is well with your’s.

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > sonicgabe
08/05/2016 at 08:52


Oh that’s great progress. Seems like she’s working through it.

My little girl is processing things still, it seems. I cooked her some boiled chicken and potatoes and she devoured it...which surprised me given her complete lack of appetite for everything the prior 24 hours. She got up with me a couple times for some short walks but much of it is me dragging her along, still. Slept through the night with no disturbances besides the cat almost walking on her head while under the covers. Waiting on final fecal analysis from the vet to eliminate final concerns.

Fed her this morning, went to get my shoes and she pooped in the kitchen...but it was better consistency so I’ll take it.

All the best.

Kinja'd!!! sonicgabe > cazzyodo
08/05/2016 at 10:40


Glad to hear it. Off to the vet with the cat...

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > sonicgabe
08/05/2016 at 11:20


Good luck